57 research outputs found

    A review of the Tabu Search Literature on Traveling Salesman Problems

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    The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is one of the most widely studied problems inrncombinatorial optimization. It has long been known to be NP-hard and hence research onrndeveloping algorithms for the TSP has focused on approximate methods in addition to exactrnmethods. Tabu search is one of the most widely applied metaheuristic for solving the TSP. Inrnthis paper, we review the tabu search literature on the TSP, point out trends in it, and bringrnout some interesting research gaps in this literature.

    Implementing Tabu Search to Exploit Sparsity in ATSP Instances

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    Real life traveling salesman problem (TSP) instances are often large,sparse, and asymmetric. Conventional tabu search implementations for the TSP that have been reported in the literature, almost always deals with small, dense and symmetric instances. In this paper, we outline data structures and a tabu search implementation that takes advantage of such data structures, which can exploit sparsity of a TSP instances, and hence can solve relatively large TSP instances (with up to 3000 nodes) much faster than conventional implementations. We also provide computational experiences with this implementation.

    Sparse Identification and Estimation of Large-Scale Vector AutoRegressive Moving Averages

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    The Vector AutoRegressive Moving Average (VARMA) model is fundamental to the theory of multivariate time series; however, in practice, identifiability issues have led many authors to abandon VARMA modeling in favor of the simpler Vector AutoRegressive (VAR) model. Such a practice is unfortunate since even very simple VARMA models can have quite complicated VAR representations. We narrow this gap with a new optimization-based approach to VARMA identification that is built upon the principle of parsimony. Among all equivalent data-generating models, we seek the parameterization that is "simplest" in a certain sense. A user-specified strongly convex penalty is used to measure model simplicity, and that same penalty is then used to define an estimator that can be efficiently computed. We show that our estimator converges to a parsimonious element in the set of all equivalent data-generating models, in a double asymptotic regime where the number of component time series is allowed to grow with sample size. Further, we derive non-asymptotic upper bounds on the estimation error of our method relative to our specially identified target. Novel theoretical machinery includes non-asymptotic analysis of infinite-order VAR, elastic net estimation under a singular covariance structure of regressors, and new concentration inequalities for quadratic forms of random variables from Gaussian time series. We illustrate the competitive performance of our methods in simulation and several application domains, including macro-economic forecasting, demand forecasting, and volatility forecasting

    Iterative Random Forests to detect predictive and stable high-order interactions

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    Genomics has revolutionized biology, enabling the interrogation of whole transcriptomes, genome-wide binding sites for proteins, and many other molecular processes. However, individual genomic assays measure elements that interact in vivo as components of larger molecular machines. Understanding how these high-order interactions drive gene expression presents a substantial statistical challenge. Building on Random Forests (RF), Random Intersection Trees (RITs), and through extensive, biologically inspired simulations, we developed the iterative Random Forest algorithm (iRF). iRF trains a feature-weighted ensemble of decision trees to detect stable, high-order interactions with same order of computational cost as RF. We demonstrate the utility of iRF for high-order interaction discovery in two prediction problems: enhancer activity in the early Drosophila embryo and alternative splicing of primary transcripts in human derived cell lines. In Drosophila, among the 20 pairwise transcription factor interactions iRF identifies as stable (returned in more than half of bootstrap replicates), 80% have been previously reported as physical interactions. Moreover, novel third-order interactions, e.g. between Zelda (Zld), Giant (Gt), and Twist (Twi), suggest high-order relationships that are candidates for follow-up experiments. In human-derived cells, iRF re-discovered a central role of H3K36me3 in chromatin-mediated splicing regulation, and identified novel 5th and 6th order interactions, indicative of multi-valent nucleosomes with specific roles in splicing regulation. By decoupling the order of interactions from the computational cost of identification, iRF opens new avenues of inquiry into the molecular mechanisms underlying genome biology